Food allergy and school anaphylaxis work presented at a national conference - let's discuss!

Episode #30

Have you ever wondered what's presented at the medical conferences that allergists attend? Tune into this episode on which I share my team's two abstracts from this year's American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology virtual meeting. You'll hear about:

  • Using  early peanut oral immunotherapy protocols to treat babies and preschool-aged kiddos who have peanut allergy 
  • The heterogeneity in stock epinephrine laws across the US
  • Recent state legislation about food allergy education in schools

For more information on this episode and on other issues regarding food allergy and YOUR kiddo, check out my blog!

~A. Hoyt, MD

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AAAAI Allergist Finder
ACAAI Allergist Finder
OIT Allergist Finder

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Does your kiddo's school need help with medical emergency response planning? Check out the non-profit Code Ana.

This podcast is the official podcast of the Hoyt Institute of Food Allergy. Information on, within, and associated with this site and Food Allergy and Your Kiddo is for educational purposes only and is not medical advice.