Positive allergy skin and blood testing doesn't confirm allergy!

Episode #26

Yep, you read that title right...

A positive skin and/or blood test does not necessarily mean a person has an allergy.

"But, why not?" you may be wondering.

Tune into this episode of the Food Allergy and Your Kiddo Podcast where I discuss food allergy, immune tolerance, and how the immune system is like a teeter-totter!

Check out this episode's blog post, where you can access earlier blog posts on immune tolerance as well as an awesome video about allergy antibodies.

And check out my Food Allergy Toolbox, filled with downloadable tools I create especially for you - food allergy families and friends!

~Dr. Hoyt

What's your food allergy question? Subscribe to our newsletter to ask your questions!

Looking for one-on-one time with a food allergist to finally get your food allergy questions answered? Sign up for Food Allergy Office Hours for Parents!

Are you in need of an allergist in your area?
AAAAI Allergist Finder
ACAAI Allergist Finder
OIT Allergist Finder

Would like to become a patient? Reach out to the Institute!

Does your kiddo's school need help with medical emergency response planning? Check out the non-profit Code Ana.

This podcast is the official podcast of the Hoyt Institute of Food Allergy. Information on, within, and associated with this site and Food Allergy and Your Kiddo is for educational purposes only and is not medical advice.