Are food challenges safe? Let's discuss what the research says!
When your allergist recommends a food challenge, what goes through your mind?
"Is it safe?" "What if my kiddo has a reaction?" And back to, "Is it safe?"
So what really is a food challenge, and is it safe?
A food challenge is a procedure performed in an allergist's office that involves your kiddo ingesting increasing amounts of the potential allergen to determine:
Has an allergy has resolved? Is an allergy is present?
On this episode, I interview my friend and colleague Dr. Samantha Knox about her research on food challenge safety. If your allergist has ever mentioned a food challenge, tune in to this episode to learn about food challenges and their safety.
~Dr. Hoyt
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Are you in need of an allergist in your area?
AAAAI Allergist Finder
ACAAI Allergist Finder
OIT Allergist Finder
Would like to become a patient? Reach out to the Institute!
Does your kiddo's school need help with medical emergency response planning? Check out the non-profit Code Ana.
This podcast is the official podcast of the Hoyt Institute of Food Allergy. Information on, within, and associated with this site and Food Allergy and Your Kiddo is for educational purposes only and is not medical advice.