As a pediatric clinician, you provide life-changing, life-saving food allergy care.

This Hub empowers pediatricians, nurse practitioners, and physician's assistants to stay up-to-date on food allergy management, making it easier  to deliver evidence-based care and anticipatory guidance to patients and their families.

In the Hub, you'll find:

  • Access to the Food Allergy Friday Newsletter
  • Patient-focused downloadables for you to use and share with your patients
  • Clinician-focused downloadables to help you easily stay up-to-date and incorporate food allergy best practices
  • Clinician-focused courses that walk you through basic through advanced food allergy topics, ranging from generating differential diagnoses to learning new strategies for food allergy prevention and management
  • Easy access to the Food Allergy and Your Kiddo podcast 
  • Easy access to the Food Allergy and Your Pediatric Patient podcast

Most of the resources are totally free, and each one is developed with evidence-based information. Join the Hub today for easy access to food allergy information that is relevant to your patients and enhances your clinical practice.

Get the newsletter that puts the latest food allergy management and research into your inbox.

And in a nutshell.

Join the Hub and you'll be signed up for the Food Allergy Friday newsletter, the free newsletter that takes important food allergy articles and topics and puts them into easy-to-read, bullet-point highlighted newsletters every week.

Highest quality food allergy resources, all in one place.

In the Hub, you'll find the latest on food allergy prevention and management without bouncing all around the internet. Much of the content is free, and most paid content awards CME credit upon completion.

Did you know?

Many food allergies can be prevented through early intervention - by simply feeding babies food.

Did you also know?

We over-test children for food allergies and often have "positive tests" in children who are not actually allergic. This commits them to a life-altering diagnosis they don't have and, in some cases, increases their risk of developing an allergy.

The over-diagnosis and under-management of food allergies can be fixed. And the solution starts with pediatricians and pediatric APPs.

We over-diagnose and under-manage when it comes to possible food allergies. Through evidence-based approaches, pediatric clinicians can play a significant role in preventing food allergies and in managing patients who do have food allergies. 

Enroll today in the

Food Allergy Pediatric Hub.

Join the Hub and receive access to downloadable practice resources, online courses, and podcast episodes specifically for pediatricians and pediatric APPs, all to make it easier for you to provide the best possible care to your food allergy patients.

Request access to the Hub below.