Food Allergy and Your Kiddo

Food Allergy and Your Kiddo

Hosted by: Alice Hoyt, MD, and Pam Lestage, MBA

If your kiddo has a food allergy, then this is the podcast for you. Join food allergy experts - board-certified allergist Dr. Alice Hoyt, MD, FAAAAI, and food allergy mama Pam Lestage, MBA - as they dive into all...


Food allergy decisions, school emergency plans, and parenting - here are Pam's top 3 favorite podcast episodes!

Episode #31

Co-host Pam is back with me on this episode! She shares her favorite three episodes of the Food Allergy and Your Kiddo podcast and why she likes these!Hints! These episodes cover:What shared medical decision-making...
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Food allergy and school anaphylaxis work presented at a national conference - let's discuss!

Episode #30

Have you ever wondered what's presented at the medical conferences that allergists attend? Tune into this episode on which I share my team's two abstracts from this year's American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and...
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Pearls of food allergy+nutrition wisdom from world renown food allergy+nutrition expert Carina Venter, PhD, RD

Episode #29

Few people in the world have achieved the level of success and academic respect on the topic of food allergy and nutrition that Carina Venter, PhD, RD, has achieved. In addition to being an expert in her field, she's...
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5 Steps to Medical Emergency Preparedness at Your Kiddo's School

Episode #28

Medical emergencies like anaphylaxis can be scary, especially when you - your kiddo's parent - are not there to make sure emergency medication is administered and protocols are followed. But what protocols are in...
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How and why to organize your kiddo's food allergy test results

Episode #27

Do you have a pile of your kiddo's food allergy information? Maybe you have thought about placing your kiddo's allergy test results into some sort of order - maybe organize all those pieces of paper in a binder? Or...
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Positive allergy skin and blood testing doesn't confirm allergy!

Episode #26

Yep, you read that title right...A positive skin and/or blood test does not necessarily mean a person has an allergy. "But, why not?" you may be wondering.Tune into this episode of the Food Allergy and Your Kiddo...
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How does an allergic reaction really work?

Episode #25

Have you ever wondered what's really happening during an allergic reaction? What is really causing:HivesSwellingTrouble breathing VomitingLow blood pressureHigh heart rateThis episode tells how allergy cells -...
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Goal-setting strategies for a successful 2021

Episode #24

Don't let the stress of setting and achieving a New Year's resolution stop you from setting important, achievable goals for 2021!Join Pam and me as we discuss our favorite and not-so-favorite approaches to setting...
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Are food challenges safe? Let's discuss what the research says!

Episode #23

When your allergist recommends a food challenge, what goes through your mind?"Is it safe?" "What if my kiddo has a reaction?" And back to, "Is it safe?"So what really is a food challenge, and is it safe?A food...
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Top 5 Most Downloaded Food Allergy and Your Kiddo Podcast Episodes of 2020

Episode #22

2020 was a year of the good, the bad, and the COVID, but if you love someone with food allergy, that food allergy was not put on hold due to COVID. I hope this podcast has been a blessing to you this year as you and...
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Eating safely at restaurants despite food allergy - can OIT help?

Episode #21

Eating away from home is one of the most stressful situations food allergy families can experience.  No matter how much you trust the restaurant and how fantastic its people are, the worry of allergen accidentally...
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How to read a medical journal article like a doctor

Episode #20

Many people want to read the same medical articles from the good journals their doctors read! Is that you? But maybe you don’t know how to read an article from a medical journal?Until now!Tune into this podcast in...
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